A fracture simulation model which incorporates the physics of fracture
growth is used to investigate how the mechanics of fracture formation
affect the flow characteristics of fractured systems. Fractures are a
ssumed to grow subcritically with the growth rate given by a power law
function of the energy available for fracture growth. mow characteris
tics are quantified in terms-of the percent of networks percolating an
d the average effective conductivity as a function of the fracture den
sity. For all flaw densities considered and for values of the growth r
ate exponent alpha less than or equal to 1, the flow characteristics p
rimarily depend on the fracture spatial density and are similar to the
flow characteristics of networks generated stochastically by assuming
the fractures are randomly located. For alpha much greater than 1, th
e mechanical interaction of the flaws and fractures imparts an organiz
ed structure to the network resulting in isolated fractures, or zones
of fractures, which form extensive, connected pathways at significantl
y lower fracture densities. Experimentally measured values of alpha fo
r subcritical fracture growth are typically greater than one, suggesti
ng that the flow characteristics of randomly located fractures may not
be representative of natural fracture networks thought to have grown
subcritically. An. analysis of published fracture trace maps suggests
that many natural fracture networks have fracture spatial densities ne
ar the percolation threshold. It is suggested that this may be due to
the existence of a self-limiting mechanism in fracture network formati