The present study was designed to gather data to the continuum hypothe
sis of hallucinations. According to this hypothesis, hallucinations ca
n be considered to be one end of a continuum of normal conscious exper
ience that include vivid imagery, daydreams and thoughts. Subjects wer
e 222 college students who anonymously completed the Barret and Etheri
dge Hallucination Questionaire, the Betts QMI Vividness of Imagery Sca
le, and Mirron's Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-II). The results
suggest that hallucinators have more vivid imagery and higher scores o
n most MilIon's Inventory scales compared to non-halIucinators. Nevert
heless, it was not found a normal distribution of the hallucinatory ex
periences, which casts doubt on their dimensional nature.