Background. A systemic inflammatory response after a open heart operat
ion may be responsible for hyperdynamic circulatory instability and or
gan dysfunction. To what extent mediator release is involved needs to
be clarified. Methods. Ten patients with postoperative hyperdynamic ci
rculatory dysregulation (group I) requiring application of alpha-const
rictors and 10 patients with routine cardial procedures and stable pos
toperative hemodynamic indices (group II) were analyzed for mediator r
elease and metabolic and hemodynamic changes until the third postopera
tive day. Results. Group I patients showed a significantly increased c
ardiac index and decreased systemic vascular resistance after bypass (
cardiac index, group I: 5.2 +/- 1.2 L . min(-1) . m(-2), group II: 2.5
+/- 1.6 L . min(-1) . m(-2); systemic vascular resistance, group I: 4
95 +/- 204 dyne . s . cm(-5), group II: 1,356 +/- 466 dyne . s . cm(-5
)) and at 3 hours (cardiac index, group I: 4.4 +/- 0.8 L . min(-1) . m
(-2), group II: 2.9 +/- 0.6 L . min(-1) . m(-2); systemic vascular res
istance, group I: 567 +/- 211 dyne . s . cm(-5), group II: 1,053 +/- 2
73 dyne . s . cm(-5)). Significantly higher serum levels of interleuki
n-6 were assessed in group I (post-bypass, group I: 6,812 +/- 9,293 pg
/mL, group II: 295 +/- 303 pg/mL; 3 hours, group I: 3,474 +/- 5,594 pg
/mL, group II: 286 +/- 296 pg/mL). Concentrations of elastase, tumor n
ecrosis factor, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor, and interleuki
n-8 were elevated in group I (not significant). Early postoperative le
vels of soluble E-selectin and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule
were also higher in group I (not significant). Continuously increased
levels of endotoxin could be detected in only 3 of 10 patients in gro
up I. Severe lactic acidosis (greater than or equal to 5 mmol/L) occur
red in group I only. Conclusions. Postoperative hyperdynamic instabili
ty after open heart operations appears to be associated with a certain
pattern of mediator release. In particular, interleukin-6 arrears to
be involved in circulatory dysregulation and metabolic derangement.