Thrichomys apereoides is an echimyid rodent which ranges in distributi
on from north-eastern and central Brazil into Paraguay, and currently
five subspecies are recognized. Recent morphometric analyses of popula
tion samples formally assignable to T. a. laurentius and T. a. inermis
, which occur in north-eastern Brazil, have shown that a major group o
f populations including both subspecies differ in cranial shape from a
single population allocated to T. a. laurentius. In this study we emp
loyed mathematical models of evolutionary quantitative genetics to ass
ess the role that random drift and selection may have played in the ev
olution of cranial shape differences in T. apereoides. The hypothesis
of evolution due to drift was rejected and the selective forces necess
ary to account for shape differences were estimated. Minimum selective
mortalities of the order of 10(-3) per generation were sufficient to
explain the observed morphologic differentiation.