Using methods from nonlinear dynamics, we examine a long climatologica
l record of measurements of the volume of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
These observations, recorded every 15 days since 1847, provide direct
insight into the effect of large-scale atmospheric motions in climato
logical studies. The lake drains nearly 100,000 km(2), and it thus act
s as a spatial filter for the finest degrees of freedom for climate. I
n filtering out a very large number of atmospheric and climatological
motions, it reduces its complexity but retains its effectiveness as a
climate sensing system. We demonstrate that there are four degrees of
freedom active in the Great Salt Lake volume record, that these data r
eside on a strange attractor of dimension slightly larger than three,
and that these data are predictable with a horizon of order a few year
s. We then show that predictive models based on local properties on th
e attractor perform remarkably well in reproducing the observations wh
en trained on earlier observations. The ability to predict using earli
er observations on the attractor suggests very strongly that over the
period of the record, the system has been stationary and that it is a
record of the natural variation of the climate. If there is anthropomo
rphic influence leading to changes in climate, this record suggests it
has not made its effect measurable in such large-scale integrating ob
servations. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.