This study was conducted to clarify the features of complications atte
nding spinal cord injury (SCI). A comparison was made of the prevalenc
e of disease among patients with SCI (SCIP) with that in the general p
opulation in Japan (National Livelihood Basic Survey). For this purpos
e, a survey was conducted on 244 males at 8 Rosai Rehabilitation Cente
rs (Workman's Accident Compensation Rehabilitation Workshops). The ave
rage age was 49.6 years. To eliminate age effects on this parameter, t
he prevalence rates were expressed as standardized outpatient morbidit
y ratios (SOMRs), with the value for the general population set at 100
. The SOMR data for cystitis were particularly high (16,278, P < 0.01)
. The SOMRs for other diseases were also high: renal diseases, 2,642;
disorders of the skin, 361; gastritis, 339; and hepatic disorders, 381
(P < 0.01). These disorders may be regarded as primary or secondary l
esions associated with SCI. SCUP with diseases associated with aging,
such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus, are on the increase in Jap
an, The SOMR for hyptertension was 250 (p < 0.01), and for diabetes me
llitus it was 323 (p < 0.01).