Performance of the Janata and Deenbandhu fixed dome biogas plants for
annerobic digestion of dairy manure was evaluated under the conditions
of a hilly region. In contrast to Janata, the Deenbandhu biogas plant
was found to be not only cheaper on the basis of cost/m(3) rated capa
city of the plant, but it also produced more gas per unit of manure fe
d and per unit of digester volume in addition to maintaining a consist
ent rate of gas production during subsequent years from initial chargi
ng The higher production of gas by 28.5% and 12.5% per kg of manure fe
d and 49.5% and 28.9% per m(3) of digester volume was observed fi om t
his plant for highest 24 degrees C and lowest 14 degrees C digester te
mperatures of the plants for the months of July and December respectiv