Hm. Le et al., DETECTION OF ATRAZINE IN HUNGARY BY IMMUNOANALYTICAL (ELISA) METHOD, Journal of environmental science and health. Part B. Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes, 31(3), 1996, pp. 459-464
Triazine herbicides (particularly atrazine) are intensively used in Hu
ngary and present a class of pesticides of significant environmental p
ersistence. To evaluate its environmental impact, a monitoring study f
or atrazine residues utilizing available ELISA systems has been initia
ted. In the present study an ELISA kit (EnviroGard Plate Kit) not yet
introduced in Hungary and supplied by the US based company, Millipore,
has been utilized to monitor the presence and decomposition of triazi
nes in water and soil. As auxiliary techniques, three simple detection
systems (TLC, photometry and biotests) were also applied. Soil and su
rface water samples from agricultural areas and a natural reservoir ar
ea in Hungary were analyzed for atrazine residues. Decomposition of at
razine in water and soil were also monitored by the ELISA system. Deco
mposition experiments in water indicated an initial rapid exponential
decomposition rates (80 % within 10-12 days) followed by an apparently
stable residue level. Short term decomposition of atrazine in soil fo
llowed a similar pattern but with a significantly higher residue level
(i.e. 60 % decrease from 0.7 ppm within 12 days in black soil).