We present EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Radar Facility) measure
ments of > 2000 K enhancements of the apparent ion temperature which o
ccurred simultaneously over a latitude range of at least 100 km for br
ief periods (less than 1 min) in the auroral F region. One event occur
red during a substorm onset and a second during passage of a westward-
traveling surge. The apparent T(i) increases showed significant anisot
ropy, with measurements oriented less parallel to Bo exhibiting the la
rgest amount of apparent T(i) increase. ln these examples the vector e
lectric fields measured by EISCAT were much too low to account for the
temperature increases via frictional heating, and also too low to gen
erate non-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions, which can cause error
s in ion temperature estimates. We argue that the measured T(i) increa
ses are not real, and that both their magnitude and their anisotropy w
ith respect to B0 can be satisfactorily explained by turbulent plasma
flows with peak amplitudes of approximately 2 km/s but which could not
be directly resolved by EISCAT, because they varied with a time scale
less than the 10-s integration period, or possibly because their scal
e size was smaller than the approximately 3 - 5 km antenna beam width.
While such unresolved but inferred turbulent flows can themselves cau
se ion frictional heating, we show that an equally important cause of
high T(i) estimates in our case was the distortion of the measured spe
ctra by strongly varying Doppler shifts. We also present a counter exa
mple which shows a bright auroral arc in the radar common volume but w
ith no large increases in the radar-measured T(i), indicating that not
all auroral structures are associated with electric fields which vary
with sufficient intensity to distort incoherent scatter radar spectra