Wave and particle observations were made in the close vicinity of an a
rgon plasma gun carried to over 600 km altitude on a sounding rocket.
The gun was carried on a subpayload, separated from the main payload e
arly in the flight. Twelve-second argon ion ejections were energized a
lternately with a peak energy of 100 or 200 eV. They produced waves, w
ith multiple harmonics, in the range of ion cyclotron waves, 10 to 100
0 Hz at rocket altitudes. Many of these waves could not be identified
as corresponding to the cyclotron frequencies of any of the ions, argo
n or ambient, known to be present. In addition, the wave frequencies w
ere observed to rise and fall and to change abruptly during a 12-s gun
operation. The wave amplitudes, near a few hundred Hertz, were of the
order of 0.1 V/m. Some of the waves may be ion-ion hybrid waves. Chan
ges in ion populations were observed at the main payload and at the su
bpayload during gun operations. A gun-related, field-aligned, electron
population also appeared.