In this paper, we report measurements of the normal-metal-superconduct
or phase boundary T(c)(H) in disordered quasiperiodic wire networks. T
he initially ordered network is an eightfold quasiperiodic array of th
e type previously constructed by Ammann, and several types of disorder
have been introduced. One series of arrays is areally disordered by s
tretching and contracting individual worm segments in the network, and
the resulting phase boundary exhibits a gradual decay of all phase-bo
undary structure with increasing field. A second series is perturbed b
y phason disorder, which amounts to the local flipping of small symmet
ric clusters of tiles and destroys the local ordering inherent in the
inflation symmetry of the ordered network. This type of disorder wipes
out higher-order commensurate states but has no effect on the major s
tructure of the phase boundary. A third type of array is created by a
special modification of the ordered eightfold lattice and results in a
fourfold geometry that is approximately inflation symmetric. Its phas
e boundary exhibits commensurate states that can be related to the app
roximate inflation symmetry. We use the J2 model, in which one conside
rs only the kinetic energy of the supercurrents induced by fluxoid qua
ntization, to describe accurately the overall behavior of the measured
phase boundaries. The experimental results presented here show that c
ommensurate states based on inflation symmetry are strongly favored in
these particular quasicrystal geometries (even when the inflation sym
metry is only approximate).