Conventional transport orderings employed in the core of a tokamak pla
sma allow large divergence-free flows in flux surfaces, but only weak
radial flows. However, alternate orderings are required in the edge re
gion where radial diffusion must balance the rapid loss due to free st
reaming to divertor plates or limiters. Kinetic equations commonly use
d to study the plasma core do not allow such a balance and are, theref
ore, inapplicable in the plasma edge. Similarly, core transport formul
as cannot be extended to the edge region without major, qualitative al
teration. Here the necessary changes are addressed. By deriving and so
lving a novel kinetic equation, distinctive collisional transport laws
for the plasma edge are constructed. It is found that the new edge or
dering retains the radial diffusion and parallel flow of particles, mo
mentum, and heat to lowest order in the conservation equations. To hig
her order a surprising form for parallel transport in the scrape-off l
ayer is found, in which the parallel flow of particles and heat are dr
iven by a combination of the conventional gradients, viscosity, and ne
w terms involving radial derivatives. The new terms are not relatively
small, and could affect understanding of limiter and divertor operati
on. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.