Propagation of space-charge waves in a Raman free-electron laser is an
alyzed. The device under consideration consists of a cylindrical metal
lic waveguide filled with a relativistic electron beam which passes th
rough a helical wiggler magnetic field and a uniform axial magnetic fi
eld. A solution of the fluid equations and Gauss's law is developed in
the form of truncated Fourier and Fourier-Bessel series. The dispersi
on relation is derived and the combined effects of the waveguide bound
ary and the wiggler and axial magnetic fields on cyclotron-like waves
are studied numerically. In the limit of infinite waveguide radius, th
e dispersion relation yields a well-known expression in which the comb
ined wiggler and axial fields determine an effective plasma frequency.
In the limit of zero wiggler field, it reduces to the dispersion rela
tion for axisymmetric space-charge waves which, in the beam frame, are
purely electrostatic. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.