Recent progress towards the development of a multilayer technology for
the high transition temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) is
described. Early YBCO-SrTiO3-YBCO multilayers, fabricated with laser d
eposition and patterning of each layer, were plagued with excess magne
tic flux noise at low frequencies. This noise was generated by the the
rmally activated hopping of flux vortices between pinning sites in the
superconducting films. The progressive reduction in the level of this
noise by improving the quality of the films is described. A key issue
is the protection of the first YBCO film with a thin SrTiO3 cap befor
e patterning. This process, which currently produces the lowest level
of 1/f noise, was used to fabricate a number of multilayer structures.
A multiturn flux transformer coupled to a single-layer de superconduc
ting quantum interference device (SQUID) in a flip-chip arrangement ac
hieved a magnetic field noise at 77 K of 8.5 fT Hz(-1/2) at 1 kHz and
27 fT Hz(-1/2) at 1 Hz; the pickup loop was 10 mm across. A monolithic
16-turn multiloop magnetometer with a diameter of 7 mm and operated a
t 77 K yielded 18 fT Hz(-1/2) at 1 kHz and 37 fT Hz(-1/2) at 1 Hz.