A systematic study of complexation reactions of sulfonated polystyrene
ionomers containing up to 5 molar percent of polar chain units with v
arious oil-soluble surfactants is carried out in low-polarity organic
solvents. Dipole-dipole attractions of the components lead to the form
ation of complexes characterized by limiting compositions and an unusu
al polymer-colloidal morphology of joint clusters and/or micelles. The
limiting compositions (phi) for the complexes formed between ionomers
and surfactant of the same charge (bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate so
dium salt), or nonionic surfactants (primarily aliphatic amines) are e
qual to 15-30 surfactant molecules per one ionomer salt/acid group on
average, with phi depending on the hydrophilic-lypophilic balance of t
he components, the initial aggregation state of surfactant and the nat
ure of low-polarity solvent. Ionomer-surfactant complexation is accomp
anied by disruption of self-contacts of ionomer salt/acid groups, lead
ing to ''unfastening'' and expansion of the ionomer coils in dilute so
lution. The ''driving force'' of the ionomer-surfactant complexation a
nd the structure of the resultant complexes are discussed.