This article describes an investigation into whether there are differe
nces among the four pain patient clusters from the Multidimensional Pa
in Inventory - Dutch Language Version (MPI-DLV) in terms of prescribed
analgesic medication, level of intelligence, and other personality ch
aracteristics (MMPI). Dysfunctional patients were distinguished by a h
igher level of analgesic medication intake. Patients classified as Ave
rage were marked by a marginally significant higher level of intellige
nce. The personality profile of Interpersonally Distressed patients in
dicated an elevated neurotic triad and a tendency to a passive-aggress
ive personality structure. Patients classified as Dysfunctional and Av
erage were marked by the so-called conversion-V. There were no elevate
d scales in the Adaptive Coper profile. Clinical implications are disc