Flow cytometry has become the preferred method for the lineage assignm
ent and maturational analysis of malignant cells in acute leukemias an
d lymphomas. Multiparametric immunophenotyping allows the detection of
aberrant antigen coexpression and the analysis of heterogeneity and c
lonality of malignant cells in leukemias and lymphomas. The complexity
of multiparameter analysis techniques and the multitude of available
monoclonal antibodies demand a standardization of protocols for the us
e of flow cytometry in clincal laboratories in order to achieve interl
aboratory reproducibility. Therefore, the Working Group on Flow Cytome
try and Image Analysis has started an initiative in order to establish
a consensus protocol on the current methods of the phenotyping of hem
atological neoplasias as a basis for quality assurance and support for
upcoming technologies such as quantitative analysis of antigen densit
ies and automated knowledge-based analysis software. In addition to ge
neral recommendations on assay procedures and quality control specific
recommendations are given for the selection of two-color reagent pane
ls and data interpretation in an attempt to define a basis for cross-e
valuation against the different currently established laboratory proto