We describe three siblings, one of whom has serpentine fibula syndrome
(SFS) and has many facial and skeletal features in common with two de
ceased brothers, making it highly likely that they too had the conditi
on. The karyotype of one of the deceased males was 47,XXY. These are t
he first affected sibs with SFS, and the first affected males. They al
l have other abnormalities which have not previously been described as
part of the condition, namely congenital heart disease, inguinal hern
iae (two sibs), intestinal malrotation (two sibs) and coloboma (one si
b). Facially they resemble the cases described by ter Haar et al. (198
3), who also had congenital heart disease and a skeletal dysplasia tho
ugh did not have the characteristic bowing of the fibulae. There are a
lso features in common with Hadju-Cheney syndrome.