The bias-enhanced nucleation and early growth of diamond on (100) sili
con by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (MPCVD) fr
om a CH4-H-2 gas mixture were investigated by transmission electron mi
croscopy (TEM). Hillocks containing beta-SiC, diamond and amorphous co
mponents are the most prominent features at the substrate surface afte
r bias-enhanced nucleation. The hillocks are formed not only by the de
position of carbon, but also by the re-deposition of Si etched from th
e substrate surface. In between the hillocks, beta-SiC clusters, with
a distinct texture parallel to the heteroepitaxial orientation, are fo
rmed at the interface between the silicon substrate and a thin amorpho
us layer. During subsequent diamond growth, only the hillocks act as n
ucleation sites.