Two homogeneous (humovitrain and xylain) and one heterogeneous (humocl
arain) lithotype macerals, separated from a lignite, were subjected to
mild reductive treatment by NaH. The extensive chromatographic separa
tion of the decalin-soluble fraction revealed some structural peculiar
ities. A strong predominance of alpha-phyllocladane was characteristic
for all macerals. Series of n-, iso-, and anteiso-alkanes, regular is
oprenoids, alkylbenzenes and 1-methyl-4-n-alkylcyclohexanes were ident
ified by mass spectrometry. An angiosperm source input was represented
by friedelane, lupane and seco-hopane structures. Products of des-A a
nd des-E-ring cleavages and C-10 demethylation were registered by mass
spectrometry. The main difference was in the hopane distribution patt
ern. A strong prevalence of extended beta beta-hopanes was found in th
e humoclarain sample. The mass spectral data revealed the existence of
a basic difference in hopane precursors-diploptene or diplopterol for
the homogeneous lithotypes and bacteriohopanetetrol for the heterogen
eous lithotype. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.