A study was carried out on ticks of domestic animals in the Macedonia
region of Greece. During 1983-1986, 11-620 tick specimens, belonging t
o 18 species and subspecies, were collected from cattle, sheep, goats
and dogs, in 64 localities throughout Macedonia. Rhipicephalus bursa,
the most common tick, and Hyalomma marginatum marginatum occurred in a
ll bioclimatic zones, as well as the two one-host ticks, Boophilus ann
ulatus and H. detritum scupense, which were present in fewer localitie
s. R. turanicus, R. sanguineus, Ixodes gibbosus and H. anatolicum exca
vatum occurred essentially in the mesomediterranean bioclimatic zone.
I. ricinus, Dermacentor marginatus and Haemaphysalis ticks (Hm. inermi
s, Hm. punctata, Hm. sulcata, Hm. parva) were found frequently in the
biotopes of the attenuated mesomediterranean and submediterranean bioc
limates. Rhipicephalus adults and the two-host Hyalomma ticks were act
ive in the spring-summer period. Ixodes spp., Haemaphysalis spp., D. m
arginatus, as well as H. detritum scupense and the immature stages of
R. bursa appeared during autumn and winter. Hyalomma and Boophilus tic
ks fed mainly on cattle. R. sanguineus almost exclusively parasitized
dogs, which were also the only hosts from which I. hexagonus has been
collected. The infestations were generally weak or moderate. Few heavy
infestations were observed on cattle, especially in autumn. Most of t
he tick species showed a strong preference for some particular sites o
n the vertebrate body. This predilection could vary according to the h
ost species.