Ecological responses to CO2 enrichment and climate change are expresse
d at several interacting levels: photosynthesis and stomatal movement
at the leaf level, energy and gas exchanges at the canopy level, photo
synthate allocation and plant growth at the plant level, and water bud
get and nitrogen cycling at the ecosystem level. Predictions of these
ecosystem responses require coupling of ecophysiological and ecosystem
processes. Version GEM2 of the grassland ecosystem model linked bioch
emical, ecophysiological and ecosystem processes in a hierarchical app
roach. The model included biochemical level mechanisms of C-3 and C-4
photosynthetic pathways to represent direct effects of CO2 on plant gr
owth, mechanistically simulated biophysical processes which control in
teractions between the ecosystem and the atmosphere, and linked with d
etailed biogeochemical process submodels. The model was tested using t
wo-year full factorial (CO2, temperature and precipitation) growth cha
mber data for the grasses Pascopyrum smithii (C-3) and Bouteloua graci
lis (C-4). The C-3-C-4 photosynthesis submodels fitted the measured ph
otosynthesis data from both the C-3 and the C-4 species subjected to d
ifferent CO2, temperature and precipitation conditions. The whole GEM2
model accurately fitted plant biomass dynamics and plant N content da
ta over a wide range of temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2
concentration. Both data and simulation results showed that elevated
CO2 enhanced plant biomass production in both P. smithii (C-3) and B.
gracilis (C-4). The enhancement of shoot production by elevated CO2 va
ried with temperature and precipitation. Doubling CO2 increased modele
d annual net primary production (NPP) of P. smithii by 36% and 43% und
er normal and elevated temperature regimes, respectively, and increase
d NPP of B. gracilis by 29% and 24%. Doubling CO2 decreased modeled ne
t N mineralization rate (N_min) of soil associated with P. smithii by
3% and 2% at normal and high temperatures, respectively. N_min of B. g
racilsi soil decreased with doubled CO2 by 5% and 6% at normal and hig
h temperatures. NPP increased with precipitation. The average NPP and
N_min of P. smithii across the treatments was greater than that of B.
gracilis. In the C-3 species the response of NPP to increased temperat
ures was negative under dry conditions with ambient CO2, but was posit
ive under wet conditions or doubled CO2. The responses of NPP to eleva
ted CO2 in the C-4 species were positive under all temperature and pre
cipitation treatments. N_min increased with precipitation in both the
C-3 and C-4 species. Elevated CO2 decreased N_min in the C-4 system. T
he effects of elevated CO2 on N_min in the C-3 system varied with prec
ipitation and temperature. Elevated temperature decreased N_min under
dry conditions, but increased it under wet conditions. Thus, there are
strong interactions among the effects of CO2 enrichment, precipitatio
n, temperature and species on NPP and N_min. Interactions between ecop
hysiological processes and ecosystem processes were strong. GEM2 coupl
ed these processes, and was able to represent the interactions and fee
dbacks that mediate ecological responses to CO2 enrichment and climate
change. More information about the feedbacks between water and N cycl
ing is required to further validate the model. More experimental and m
odeling efforts are needed to address the possible effects of CO2 enri
chment and climate change on the competitive balance between different
species in a plant community and the feedbacks to ecosystem function.