Objective: To understand the impact oi the nose in relation to snoring
, to increased and decreased nasal resistance and sleep, to nasal anat
omy and physiology in snorers and apneic patients, and to nocturnal ep
isodes of respirator obstruction in relation to nasal obstruction. Des
ign: A select group of patients, in whom nasal reconstruction and uvul
opalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) were combined, were studied. A review of
the literature is included. Methods: A questionnaire was given to all
patients. Main Outcome Measures: Patients' snoring improvement was eva
luated postoperatively. Results: Overall, 174 of the 180 patients (97%
) believed their snoring to be improved postoperatively after combined
nasal reconstruction and UPPP were done. Conclusion: A review of the
literature, a review of snorers' pathophysiology, and the results of t
his study show that nasal surgery and UPPP combined are effective in i
mproving snoring.