Objective: To study the usefulness of ocular torsion analysis as an ad
junct to examining central vestibular compensation. Design: Prospectiv
e evaluation. Setting: The Vestibular Disorders Clinic, University of
Manitoba Health Sciences Centre. Methods: Seven patients with intracta
ble Meniere's disease underwent elective transtympanic gentamycin laby
rinthectomy. Serial examination of patient progress was performed usin
g fundus photography, subjective visual vertical estimations, electron
ystagmography, and audiometry. Results: Ocular torsion analysis reveal
s unexpected initial and early contraversive torsion behaviour in some
patients, which may represent an early irritative phenomenon stemming
from either the gentamicin or the Meniere's disease itself. Conclusio
n: Despite the sensitivity of the ocular torsion measures, there appea
rs to be no useful predictive correlation between ocular torsion and a
udiometric functioning that might predict impending hearing loss. Neve
rtheless, ocular torsion analysis reveals subtle changes in vestibular
system functioning and may provide useful adjunctive information in t
he assessment of vestibular ototoxicity.