We report a detailed analysis of the effect of concentration on the mi
cellar size, the static structure factor at q-->0, S(0), and the stati
c correlation length xi(8) measured with static light scattering in aq
ueous solutions of the nonionic surfactant hexaethylene glycol n-hexad
ecyl monoether (C(16)E(16)) which forms giant polymerlike micelles in
water. Measurements were performed at two different temperatures in or
der to test for possible contributions from critical scattering which
could become important in the vicinity of the critical point. We find
no measurable temperature dependence for the apparent molecular weight
and the correlation length of the micelles for the given range of con
centrations and temperatures. We demonstrate that the concentration de
pendence of the micellar size distribution and intermicellar interacti
on effects can be combined in a self-consistent way using results from
conformation space renormalization group theory originally developed
for semidilute polymer solutions. Our results indicate a much stronger
micellar growth than that previously predicted by the theoretical mod
els for micelle formation.