F. Radulescu, AN INVARIANT FOR SUBFACTORS IN THE VONNEUMANN ALGEBRA OF A FREE GROUP, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie 1, Mathematique, 316(10), 1993, pp. 983-988
In this Note we are considering a new invariant for subfactors in the
von Neumann algebra L(F(k)) of a free group. This invariant is obtaine
d by computing the Connes's chi invariant for the enveloping von Neuma
nn algebra in the iteration of the Jone's basic construction for the g
iven inclusion. In the case of the subfactors considered in [22], [24]
this invariant is easily computed as a relative chi invariant, in the
form considered in [14]. One considers the inclusion L (F(n)) subset-
or-equal-to A = L (F(n)) x (theta)Z(k)2, where theta is an injective h
omomorphism from Z(k) into Out (L (F(n))) (i. e. a Z(n)-kernel) with m
inimal period k2 [in Aut (L (F(n)))]. Then there exists a canonical co
py theta of Z(k) in chi(A) which can be lifted to Aut(A) [4]. The deco
mposition of the generator of the dual action of Z(k) on A x (theta)Z(
k) as the product of a centrally trivial automorphism and an almost in
ner automorphism, gives an action of Z(k)2 + Z(k)2 on the algebra A x
(theta)Z(k). The algebraic invariants [9] for this last action give a
more subtle invariant for theta. As an application we show that, contr
ary to the case of finite group actions (or more general G-kernels) on
the hyperfine II1 factor (settled in [2], [9], [18]), there exists no
n outer conjugate, injective homomorphisms (i.e. two Z2-kernels) from
Z, into Out(L(F(k))), with non-trivial obstruction to lifting to an ac
tion on L (F(k)). Moreover the algebraic invariants [3] do not disting
uish between these two Z2-kernels. Also, there exists two non-outer co
njugate, outer actions of Z2 on L(F(k)) x R that are neither almost in
ner or centrally trivial.