Ms. Howe et Pl. Shah, INFLUENCE OF MEAN FLOW ON BOUNDARY-LAYER GENERATED INTERIOR NOISE, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(6), 1996, pp. 3401-3411
An analysis is made of the ''interior noise'' produced by high, subson
ic turbulent how over a thin elastic plate partitioned into ''panels''
by straight edges transverse to the mean flow direction. This configu
ration models a section of an aircraft fuselage that may be regarded a
s locally flat. The analytical problem can be solved in closed form to
represent the acoustic radiation in terms of prescribed turbulent bou
ndary layer pressure fluctuations. Two cases are considered: (i) the p
roduction of sound at an isolated panel edge (i.e., in the approximati
on in which the correlation between sound and vibrations generated at
neighboring edges is neglected), and (ii) the sound generated by a per
iodic arrangement of identical panels. The latter problem is amenable
to exact analytical treatment provided the panel edge conditions are t
he same for all panels. Detailed predictions of the interior noise dep
end on a knowledge of the turbulent boundary layer wall pressure spect
rum, and are given here in terms of an empirical spectrum proposed by
Laganelli and Wolfe. It is expected that these analytical representati
ons of the sound generated by simplified models of fluid-structure int
eractions can used to validate more general numerical schemes. (C) 199
6 Acoustical Society of America.