Metastases from differentiated thyroid cancer are usually seen in the
cervical or mediastinal lymph nodes, lung or bone. We report a case of
papillary thyroid cancer metastasizing to lymph nodes in the porta he
patis. No other site of metastasis was apparent on neck or abdominal e
xploration or on iodine whole-body scans. The primary tumor was a mult
ifocal papillary thyroid cancer arising on a background of multinodula
r goiter, The metastasis was observed on a diagnostic radioiodine scan
after surgical resection of the primary tumor despite significant (11
%) radioiodine uptake by residual thyroid tissue in the neck and was p
roven by histologic examination and thyroglobulin immunohistochemistry
. Although rare, metastasis to porta hepatis lymph nodes should be con
sidered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal radioiodine uptake
in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer.