Energy-dispersive and angle-dispersive x-ray-diffraction (EDXD and ADX
D) measurements show that when compressed by pressures above 10.0 GPa
isostructural Pb(NO3)(2), Ba(NO3)(2), and Sr(NO3)(2) transform reversi
bly to highly disordered structures. Raman measurements under compress
ion suggest that the transformation occurs via reorientation of the ni
trate ions to multiple sites and movement of the metal ions from the c
rystal positions. Our main conclusion is that EDXD and ADXD measuremen
ts give different meanings to the notion ''x-ray amorphous.'' Thus, wh
enever this phrase is used, the method used and the conditions that pr
evail must be specified. We also suggest that our results show that Ra
man spectroscopy can be used to distinguish nonrandom nitrate and cati
on environments in metal nitrate glasses.