PURPOSE: To determine the potential of proton MR spectroscopy to monit
or patients with childhood-onset cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (COCALD
). METHODS: Single-voxel MR spectroscopy was performed in 16 children
with COCALD (24 examinations) who had had no treatment and in 7 childr
en (13 examinations) who had had bone marrow transplantation. RESULTS:
In the untreated children with clinically active COCALD, the metaboli
te ratios N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA)/creatine (Cr) and NAA/choline (Ch)
were decreased while Ch/Cr was increased. This trend agrees well with
those reported by other researchers, although different experimental s
equences and parameters were used in our study. Comparison of these ra
tios with those from a control group yielded significant differences i
n the occipital region. In the children who were clinically stable aft
er bone marrow transplantation, the mean levels of the three ratios we
re between those of the control subjects and the patients with untreat
ed COCALD: the differences in these ratios approached significance. In
patients who had been monitored periodically, MR spectroscopy metabol
ite ratios correlated well with the dementia rating score, reflecting
clinical status. CONCLUSION: There is good correlation between MR spec
troscopy metabolite ratios and a patient's clinical status. MR spectro
scopy appears to be a useful, noninvasive tool to monitor patients wit
h adrenoleukodystrophy, and it increases the overall sensitivity of MR
techniques in clinical applications.