PROBLEM BEING ADDRESSED The continuing shortage of rural family physic
ians in Canada. PURPOSE OF PROGRAM To further develop training for rur
al family practice so that adequate numbers of rural family physicians
will be appropriately prepared.MAIN COMPONENTS OF PROGRAM AU family m
edicine residents should have the opportunity to experience the joys a
nd challenges of rural family practice. Rural family medicine training
streams provide the best education for family medicine residents who
are planning a career in rural family medicine. Integrated training fo
r rural family practice should be high-quality academically sound, nee
ds-driven, evidence-based, learner-centred, and outcome-measured. This
involves comprehensive development of curricula that provide specific
skills and appropriate core subjects in rural practice as well as a s
olid family medicine foundation. Contextual and experiential learning
in areas similar to or in actual areas where there is a need for rural
physicians, and appropriate hospital rotations to learn skills for th
e hospital role of many rural family doctors, are important components
of rural family medicine training. CONCLUSIONS Postgraduate rural fam
ily medicine training programs can be further focused and developed to
train more physicians with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes requi
red for rural practice.