Using electrophoretic techniques (PAGE-SDS and IEF), we report allelic
frequencies of caprine alpha(sl)-casein (Cn) locus in four Spanish mi
lking breeds: Murciana-Granadina, Malaguena, Payoya and Canaria. The E
allele (intermediate content of alpha(sl)-Cn in milk) was predominant
in dairy breeds Murciana-Granadina. E:0.59; Malaguena, E:0.65 and Pay
oya, E:0.76, while alleles A and B (high content of alpha(sl)-Cn) were
more frequent in the Canaria dairy breed (A:0.28 and B:0.32). Among t
he Spanish breeds, Canaria represents a particular case where 60% of t
he alleles were of the high type (A and B), The ethnical group Canaria
Palmera was particularly high in the frequency of alleles A and B (91
%) very similar to the Italian Garganica breed (98%). The low frequenc
y of F allele (reduced level of alpha(sl)-Cn) in Spanish breeds (Murci
ana-Granadina, F:0.08; Malaguena, F:0.04; Payoya, F:0.00 and Canaria,
F:0.00) contrasts with the predominance of this allele in Alpine and S
aanen breeds, It is important to note that in the Payoya breed no low
or null alleles (F, D, 0) were detected, It seems unlikely that geneti
c selection for milk production has had a significant influence in det
ermining the alpha(sl)-Cn allelic distribution in goat populations. Th
e direct relationship existing between these allelic variants and diff
erences in the Cn content and in the physico-chemical properties of mi
lk, can be used as a tool in the improvement of milk processing qualit
y and cheese yields of Spanish milking breeds.