The Linked Dipole Chain Model provides an interpolation between the re
gions of high Q(2) (DGLAP) and low x moderate Q(2) (BFKL) in DIS. It i
s a reformulation and a generalization of the results obtained by Ciaf
aloni, Catani, Fiorani and Marchesini, and it gives a unified treatmen
t of ''normal DIS'', boson-gluon fusion events and hard subcollisions
in resolved photon-proton scattering. Thus the formalism provides a co
mplete picture which incorporates all hard or semihard hadronic intera
ctions in a simple way, which is suitable for a Monte Carlo treatment
of both structure functions and final state properties. We also discus
s non-leading effects which significantly reduce the increase of the s
tructure function for very small x-values.