Objectives: To test the hypothesis that selective brain cooling could
be performed in an infant model of cardiac arrest and resuscitation wi
thout changing core temperature and to study Its acute effects on regi
onal organ blood flow, cerebral metabolism, and systemic hemodynamics.
Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled study. Setting: Research
laboratory at a university medical center. Subjects: Fourteen healthy
infant piglets, weighing 3.5 to 6.0 kg. Interventions: Piglets were an
esthetized and mechanically ventilated, and had vascular catheters pla
ced, Parietal cortex (superficial brain), caudate nucleus (deep brain)
, esophageal, and rectal temperatures were monitored. All animals unde
rwent 6 mins of cardiac arrest induced by ventricular fibrillation, 6
mins of external cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation,
and 2 hrs of reperfusion. Normal core temperature (rectal) was regulat
ed in all animals, In seven control animals (group 1), brain temperatu
re was not manipulated. In seven experimental animals (group 2), selec
tive brain cooling was begun during CPR, using a cooling cap filled wi
th -30 degrees C solution. Selective brain cooling was continued for 4
5 mins of reperfusion, after which passive rewarming was allowed, Regi
onal blood flow (microspheres) and arterial and sagittal sinus blood g
ases were measured prearrest, during CPR, and at 10 mins, 45 mins, and
2 hrs of reperfusion. Measurements and Main Results: Rectal temperatu
re did not change over time in either group, In group 1, brain tempera
ture remained constant except for a decrease of 0.6 degrees C at 10 mi
ns of reperfusion. In group 2, superficial and deep brain temperatures
were lowered to 32.8 +/- 0.7 (SEM) degrees C and 34.9 +/- 0.4 degrees
C, respectively, by 15 mins of reperfusion. Superficial and deep brai
n temperatures were further lowered to 27.8 +/- 0.8 degrees C and 31.1
+/- 0.3 degrees C, respectively, at 45 mins of reperfusion. Both temp
eratures returned to baseline by 120 mins. Cerebral blood flow was not
different between groups at any time point, although there was a tren
d for higher flow in group 2 at 10 mins of reperfusion (314% of baseli
ne) compared with group 1 (230% of baseline), Cerebral oxygen uptake w
as lower in group 2 than in group 1 (69% vs, 44% of baseline, p = .02)
at 45 mins of reperfusion, During CPR, aortic diastolic pressure was
lower in group 2 than in group 1 (27 +/- 1 vs. 23 +/- 1 mm Hg, p = .00
7), Myocardial blood flow during CPR was also lower in group 2 (80 +/-
7 vs, 43 +/- 7 mL/min/100 g, p = .002), Kidney and intestinal blood f
lows were reduced during CPR in both groups; however, group 2 animals
also had lower intestinal flow vs. group 1 at 45 and 120 mins of reper
fusion. Conclusions: Selective brain cooling by surface cooling can be
achieved rapidly in an infant animal model of cardiac arrest and resu
scitation without changing core temperature. Brain temperatures known
to improve neurologic outcome can be achieved by this technique with m
inimal adverse effects, Because of its ease of application, selective
brain cooling may prove to be an effective, inexpensive method of cere
bral resuscitation during pediatric CPR.