Calculations using a two-dimensional numerical model which simulates t
he heat balance and temperature distribution of icebergs show that the
temperature in the central region of an iceberg is almost unaffected
by the thermal conditions imposed on its boundary. Hence the original
temperature of the iceberg at the time of calving is retained in its c
ore owing to the insulating quality of the ice. When correlated with g
lacioclimatic conditions, this temperature conservation may be used to
backtrack an iceberg to its parent ice cliff. Nine different icebergs
were manually temperature-profiled in the Barents Sea during late win
ter 1988-1990. A scenario is considered wherein one of these icebergs
under the forces of winds and currents is assumed to set off from Fran
z Josef Land in late autumn 1987. The numerical heat balance model is
used to compute the temperature distribution, heat balance, and ablati
on of this iceberg as it drifts through the Barents Sea. The calculati
ons show that the heat balance of the part of the iceberg exposed to a
ir has marginal influence on the ablation and thus on the expected lif
etime of the iceberg. Ablation of the submerged body also occurs durin
g winter, when the water temperature is well below the melting point o
f glacial ice. This is caused by freezing-point depression leading to
an ablation of about 0.5 m per month of the underside and sidewalls of
the submerged body. For water temperatures above 0.6-degrees-C the ab
lation results in a steep temperature gradient reaching the core tempe
rature 3 m into the ice. With a tolerance of 0.4-degrees-C the tempera
ture is virtually free of any thermal boundary influence 12 m into the
ice. The simulated and measured temperature profiles of the iceberg a
re compared with measurements of the thermal regime of Austfonna, Nord
austlandet, and the Churlenis Ice Dome on Franz Josef Land. The model
calculations indicate that the ice cliffs on Svalbard can be excluded
as parent ice cliffs for these icebergs and that the core temperature
of the bergs appears to be a conservative tracer.