This paper is focused on a hermetically sealed cavity which can be ele
ctrostatically excited and driven as a loudspeaker. The actuation prin
ciple is based on a diaphragm that is rolling against the cavity botto
m to reach both large displacements and strong electrostatic forces. T
he loudspeaker is primarly intended for airborne ultrasound. Test spea
kers have been manufactured by micromachining in silicon using anisotr
opic and isotropic etching, and wafer bonding. Experiment shows an aco
ustic output of 112 dB in sound pressure level at the resonance freque
ncy of 127 kHz, measured at a distance of 10 mm with 50 V peak-to-peak
in applied driving voltage. An empirical Q-value of 7 is found. Measu
rements indicate that the resonance frequency of the loudspeaker can b
e tuned with an applied biasing voltage.