The daily energy (E) balance of 6 healthy and 5 sick foals was measure
d on days 2, 4 and 7 post partum. The mean gross energy intake (GE) of
the healthy foals increased from 29.7 MJ d(-1) (day 2) to 32.8 MJ d(-
1) (day 7). Metabolisable energy (ME) was between 97 and 99% GE. Energ
y expenditure averaged 15.2, 16.7 and 19.0 MJ d(-1) on days 2, 4 and 7
post partum, respectively. The healthy foals were in positive E balan
ce and their mean body mass increased. For the sick foals, GE intake a
nd E expenditure were low (mean 7.2 MJ d(-1) and 10.6 MJ d(-1), respec
tively) and ME was between 90 and 99% GE. Despite their;ow rates of me
tabolism, the sick foals were in negative E balance and they consumed
insufficient energy to meet metabolic demand.