Thirty patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) [18 men and 12 women, mea
n age 40 years (range 22-50), disease duration 12 years (range 0.5-34)
, Kurtzke's Expanded Disability Status Score 6.0 (range 4.0-7.5)] were
interviewed about bowel symptoms and studied using ano-rectal manomet
ry. The results were compared with findings in healthy controls. Twent
y-eight had bowel symptoms: 8 constipation, 10 constipation and infreq
uent faecal urgency, 4 infrequent faecal incontinence and 6 frequent f
aecal incontinence. Anal sphincter pressure at rest was significantly
reduced in MS patients 69 (SD 17) cm H2O, compared with 92 (SD 15) cm
H2O in controls, and the external sphincter contraction force was also
significantly reduced. Rectal sensation and rectal compliance were re
duced and the ano-rectal inhibition reflex (defaecation reflex) requir
ed a higher rectal pressure to be elicited in the patients. Upon recta
l filling, an early external sphincter excitation was seen. The presen
ce of faecal incontinence correlated strongly with reduced rectal sens
ation. The findings suggest that faecal incontinence can at least part
ly be explained by low anal sphincter pressure and poor rectal sensati
on. The findings of early sphincter excitation and increased threshold
of ano-rectal inhibition reflex may be an important pathophysiologica
l factor for constipation in MS patients.