New technologies make it possible to create, relatively quickly on a g
lobal scale, businesses which hither would not have been practical. A
remarkable round the world venture in newspaper publishing demonstrate
s this to be so. it may well also have important implications for the
round the world development of other products and services. Satellite
transmission technology computer to computer allows printing and distr
ibution in distant Markets soon after the editorial is completed in Lo
ndon. The feasibility studies and set-up periods proved short. The ven
ture was fully developed less than 4 years from initial inception. The
opportunities to satisfy market needs were substantial, the financial
costs were small, the project profitable from the second week onwards
. This article describes the venture and the competition which followe
d suit. It outlines the straightforward management organization which
was created, making the venture no less difficult to manage than opera
tions at home. By virtue of their geographical spread they are perhaps
less risky. Copyright (C) 1996 Christopher Claxton.