The hitherto unknown crystal structure of the black solid Al2Te5 is so
lved by Rietveld refinement of X-Ray powder data: a = 1359.29(3) pm, b
= 415.27(1) pm, c = 983.92(2) pm, beta = 126.97(1)degrees, space grou
p: C2/m (no. 12), Z = 2. In contrast to Ga2Te5 and In2Te5Al2Te5 is ver
y sensitive to hydrolysis. It can formally be described as Te[AlTe3/3T
e1/1](2), containing layers made up of chains of cis-edge-sharing AlTe
4 tetrahedra [AlTe3/3Te1/1] and additional Te atoms. In2Te5-I and In2T
e5-II are characterized by layers with a similar topology, Ga2Te5 howe
ver is different. It has no layer structure, but contains chains of tr
ans-edge-sharing GaTe4-tetrahedra and additional Te-atoms according to
the formulation Te[GaTe4/2](2). It can be regarded as a variant of th
e TISe type structure. From heterogeneous samples with the nominal com
position In0.5Ga1.5Te5 single crystals of a new stacking variant (In2T
e5-III) of the In,Te, structure type can be isolated. The composition
of the crystals, determined by single crystal structure analysis, is I
n0.77Ga1.23Te5, with a = 1613.2(3) pm, b = 424.6(1) pm, c = 1330.5(2)
pm, beta = 97.39(1)degrees, space group C2/c (Nr. 15), Z = 4. This str
ucture type is not yet known for unsubstituted In2Te5. The range of ho
mogeneity for Ga2Te5 with respect to the substitution of Gallium by In
dium is given by Ga2-xInxTe5 (x < 0.4). Within the limits of experimen
tal error however a substitution of Te in Ga2Te5 by Se cannot be detec