In August 1992 a combined physical oceanography and acoustic tomograph
y experiment was conducted to describe the Barents Sea Polar Front (BS
PF) and investigate its impact on the regional oceanography. The study
area was an 80 x 70 km grid east of Bear Island where the front exhib
its topographic trapping along the northern slope of the Bear Island T
rough. Conductivity-temperature-depth, current meter, and acoustic Dop
pler current profiler (ADCP) data, combined with tomographic cross sec
tions, presented a highly resolved picture of the front in August, All
hydrographic measurements were dominated by tidal signals, with the s
trongest signatures associated with the M2 and S2 semidiurnal species,
Mean currents in the warm saline water to the south of the front, der
ived from a current meter mooring and ADCP data, were directed to the
southwest and may be associated with a barotropic. recirculation of No
rwegian Atlantic Water (NAW) within the Bear Island Trough. The geostr
ophic component of the velocity was well correlated with the measured
southwestward mean surface layer flow north of the front, The frontal
structure was retrograde, as the frontal isopleths sloped opposite to
the bathymetry. The surface signature of the front was dominated by sa
linity gradients associated with the confluence of Atlantic and Arctic
water masses, both warmed by insolation to a depth of about 20 m. The
surface manifestation of the front varied laterally on the order of 1
0 km associated with tidal oscillations, Below the mixed layer, temper
ature and salinity variations were compensating, defining a nearly bar
otropic front. The horizontal scale of the front in this region was si
milar to 3 km or less, At middepth beneath the frontal interface, tomo
graphic cross sections indicated a high-frequency (similar to 16 cpd)
upslope motion of filaments of NAW origin. The summertime BSPF was con
firmed to have many of the general characteristics of a shelf-slope fr
ontal system [Mooers et al., 1978] as well as a topographic-circulator
y front [Federov, 1983].