Possibility of removal of copper from molten iron by using FeCl2 is ex
perimentally examined in a small size experimental apparatus. Pulveriz
ed FeCl2 is injected with nitrogen gas into molten iron saturated with
carbon. The iron chloride is first vaporized in molten iron and then
reacts with copper alloyed in molten iron. 0.7 and 0.06% of copper con
tents are decreased to 0.5 and 0.04%, respectively, under 230hPa in pa
rtial pressure of FeCl2 at 1450 degrees C. Rate equation can be writte
n as an apparent first order reaction for the copper contents. - log [
%Cu](t)/[%Cu](o) = {exp (-3.72 x 10(3)/T + 1.04)}t, where T is tempera
ture in Kelvin and t is time in minute. No effect oi mass of specimen
on the reaction rate is observed under the experimental condition. Rat
e determining step of the reaction is estimated as diffusion process o
f copper in the molten metal. It is estimated that the minimum ratio o
f mass of FeCl2 to molten iron is 18.5kg-FeCl2/1 t-iron when 0.5% of t
he copper content change to 0.1%.