A novel image transformation is proposed for the automatic detection o
f crack-like faults on inspected surfaces with ''busy'' or patterned b
ackgrounds (textured surfaces). The textured background is modeled by
the proposed transformation, which consists of the Walsh transformatio
n of a nonlinear function of the image intensity. The algorithm includ
es three stages: training the system to learn the underlying backgroun
d textural pattern by using faultless images, obtaining the local diff
erence from the underlying texture for the images to be tested, and po
stprocessing the difference map to isolate the fault pixels. By this m
ethod, crack-like faults in random and regularly textured backgrounds
can be detected reliably and efficiently. The performance of the algor
ithm is demonstrated on artificially created faults on some Brodatz te
xture images as well as on some real images of materials with genuine
faults on them.