The effect of treatment with enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP)
on Coronary disease exercise hemodynamics and myocardial stress perfu
sion in 27 patients with Exercise tolerance chronic stable angina was
studied. A majority (22/27 or 81%) of patients improved their exercise
tolerance after EECP treatment, and a similar percentage (21/27 or 78
%) of patients improved their radionuclide stress perfusion images. Po
st-ECCP maximal exercise heart rate and blood pressure, while demonstr
ating a linear relation with exercise duration, did not increase signi
ficantly despite the increased exercise duration. This suggests that t
he increase in exercise duration after treatment with EECP is due to b
oth improved myocardial perfusion and altered exercise hemodynamics. E
ECP therapy thus appears to exert a 'training' effect, decreasing peri
pheral vascular resistance and the heart rate response to exercise. Co
ronary disease patients may improve their exercise tolerance after EEC
P because of both improved myocardial perfusion and a decrease in card
iac work load.