Placental hormones are produced by one genetic individual (the fetus)
to act on the receptors of another genetic individual (the mother). Mo
thers are probably able to extract some information from placental hor
mones, but this information may be limited to a crude measure of fetal
vigor. Placental hormones are most easily interpreted as fetal attemp
ts to manipulate maternal metabolism for fetal benefit. An evolutionar
y model is presented for a hypothetical hormone that increases the nut
rient content of maternal blood. The model predicts that, at an evolut
ionary equilibrium, the hormone will be produced solely by the mother
or solely by the placenta, but not by both. If the gene for the hormon
e is subject to genomic imprinting, the paternally-derived allele will
be active and the maternally-derived allele will be silent. Hormone p
roduction benefits the members of the mother's current litter at some
cost to future litters. Therefore, paternity changes between litters i
ncrease the level of hormone production. On the other hand, offspring
that produce less of the hormone than litter-mates share the benefits
but have lower costs. Therefore, multiple paternity within litters red
uces the level of hormone production.