An assessment was made of the orientation and variability in postural
center of pressure patterns in individuals with tardive dyskinesia (TD
) and/or developmental disability during quiet standing. Postural patt
erns were compared and contrasted between four groups of individuals:
those with (a) TD and developmentally disabled (severely and profoundl
y retarded); (b) developmental disability only; (c) TD but of normal i
ntelligence; and (d) a healthy control group. The center of pressure d
isplacements were derived from the lateral, vertical, and anterior-pos
terior force and moment components of force platform measurements. Ana
lyses demonstrated that individuals with TD in combination with develo
pmental disability had a different center of pressure orientation and
variability compared to healthy individuals and individuals suffering
only from developmental disability or TD. The center of pressure patte
rn in the developmentally disabled TD group was characterized by a mor
e prominent lateral orientation, whereas in the other three groups, it
had a more predominant anterior-posterior orientation. In addition, t
he variability in these orientation components was much smaller in the
developmentally disabled TD group, indicating a more regular pattern
of sway in the center of pressure during quiet standing in these indiv
iduals. These findings show that assessments of postural center of pre
ssure profile orientation and variability may be useful indicators for
investigating TD, especially in distinguishing between developmental
disability and TD.