Three experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of limit-fe
eding corn-based diets as an alternative to hay for beef cows in gesta
tion and early lactation. Seventy or 71 mature, pregnant Simmental cro
ssbred cows (average weight = 589 +/- 10 kg) were used in each trial.
Each of 29 or 30 cows was fed approximately 5 kg of whole shelled corn
, 1.2 kg of a pelletted supplement, and 1 kg of hay daily from Novembe
r to April to meet nutritional needs for gestation. The remaining 41 c
ows were fed first-cutting round-baled hay free choice. Cows with ad l
ibitum hay intake consumed approximately twice as much feed as cows li
mit-fed the corn-based diet. Body weight change during the winter was
not affected (P > .10) by feeding system in Trials 1 and 2. Limit-feed
ing the corn-based diet had no detrimental effects on subsequent cow p
erformance or conception rate or on calf weaning weight following summ
er grazing on pasture. The cost to feed a cow hay was nearly double th
at of limit-feeding the corn-based diet. Two additional experiments we
re conducted to determine the effect of supplemental monensin (200 mg/
d) on performance of gestating Simmental-Angus first-calf heifers fed
corn-based diets. In Trial 4, monensin-supplemented heifers were fed 1
0% less corn than control heifers. In Trial 5, both groups were fed eq
ual amounts of feed. No adverse effects of feeding the corn-based diet
s were observed. It was concluded from these trials that corn-based di
ets can meet the nutrient requirements of pregnant beef cattle without
adverse effects on production and at a lower cost than feeding hay.