Vertical profiles of ozone from the surface to over 15 km altitude wer
e obtained with a combination of free-flying and tethered ozonesondes
and differential absorption lidar. During the Eulerian Model Evaluatio
n Field Study (EMEFS I) of July-August 1988, these profiles were compa
red with the output of a sophisticated regional-scale three-dimensiona
l Eulerian dispersion and chemistry model, the Acid Deposition and Oxi
dant Model (ADOM). The results show that ADOM predicts the ozone conce
ntration profiles with accuracy only in the lower troposphere and part
icularly well during simple synoptic situations. In the upper troposph
ere, the model does not predict the intrusions of ozone from the strat
osphere which appear to be extremely important in determining the ston
e concentration profiler.