The purpose of this study was to compare the personality characteristi
cs of patients with non-psychotic, major depression, seasonal subtype
(SAD) to patients with non-psychotic, major depression, without season
ality (non-SAD). The patients were consecutive referrals to a universi
ty-affiliated mood disorders outpatient clinic. The personality charac
teristics were assessed using the five-factor model of personality (FF
M) as measured by the revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). Pa
tients were assessed during the acute depressive episode. Controlling
for severity of depression, differences were found on only one of the
five dimensions, with the SAD patients (n = 43) scoring significantly
higher on the Openness dimension than non-SAD patients (n = 57), Based
on these results we infer SAD patients may represent a psychologicall
y distinct subgroup of depressed patients - more imaginative, more emo
tionally sensitive and likely to entertain unconventional ideas than n
on-SAD patients. This personality constellation may explain why indivi
duals with SAD are more sensitive to and may amplify the mild dysphori
a typically associated with winter months.