A method is presented that performs the optical wavelet transform with
liquid-crystal televisions as spatial light modulators operating only
on the phase of the incident coherent light. The architecture is the
joint-transform correlator, and the wavelets and the image to be trans
formed are encoded in the input plane of the system. The mathematical
formalism describing the adaptation of the joint-transform correlator
to the wavelet transform is given and extended to the operation of the
phase-only joint-transform correlator. A new wavelet is described for
two-dimensional image processing, and experimental results are presen
ted for optical wavelet transforms done in real time by use of this wa
velet in the phase-only joint-transform-correlator architecture. The a
nalysis is extended to multiwavelet (multispectral) analysis by the jo
int-transform correlator, and simulation results are given. Finally, e
xperimental results with the phase-only joint-transform correlator app
lied to multiwavelet analysis are presented. (C) 1996 Optical Society
of America